Do you have an ideal?
Do you share our dream of a better world? A world where everyone has the right to a decent life? A peaceful world in which we respect each other’s belief and background? A world with compassion for those who are vulnerable and respect for our common environment? Do you have a definite plan and need support to realize your project?
If so, you can apply for a maximum amount of €4,000 based on a total maximum budget of € 100,000. The yearly budget of the entire organization may not exceed 500,000 euros.
You can only begin your application via this website. Unfortunately, we can’t accept postal applications or applications received via email. Before applying, read the rules and criteria (further down on this page) carefully, as well as our exclusions. Please note: the criteria have recently been tightened for projects abroad!.
Start your application using the button on this page. This can be done at any time during the year. Don’t forget to save your application – it can be completed whenever you’re ready so make sure to remember your username and password!
We’ll try to contact you as soon as possible after we receive your application, usually within a month. The board will usually make a decision on your application within three months from when they receive your application.
If you’re not sure whether your project is suitable, please feel free to contact us.
Rules and criteria
Does your plan fit in with the Haëlla Foundation?
Your plan is meant for a group of people – not for personal support.
Your proposal involves a subject that matches the themes of the Haëlla Foundation. See: Our themes
You will work together with others, whether as a foundation or official organization, or as a group of initiators.
Volunteers play an important part in your project.
There must be a Dutch or English speaking contact person in the Netherlands who fully understands your project and who we can contact by telephone.
Our maximum donation is 4,000 euro. We can only consider projects with a maximum estimated budget of 100,000 euro. The budget of the entire organization may not exceed 500,000 euros.
Please note: the Haella Foundation does not contribute to the costs of fundraising!
The board of Haëlla Foundation makes the final decision.
You can only apply once a year.
Unfortunately our funds are limited. This means there are certain activities and organizations we can’t support. See: Exclusions
The Haëlla Foundation wants to finance projects abroad that contribute to:
– Promoting human/women’s rights
– Combating violence against women, LGBTIQ+, people with disabilities and (other) minorities
– Realizing lobbying and information from/for/by vulnerable groups and minorities (including minority positions)
– Strengthening resilience, self-reliance and emancipation of (marginalized groups) people (including attention to psychosocial trauma processing)
– A dignified life for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
– Peace and democratization including peace education and prevention of extremism and polarization
– Connection of different groups of people and dialogue between different religions
Please note: the Haella Foundation has a new policy for Uganda: Haella only finances projects in Uganda which have been directly requested by the implementing partner! Regretfully, our budget for 2024 is already full, i.e. there are no possibilites to finance new projects.
The Haella Foundation is currently reviewing its foreign policy. We prefer to finance the organizations in the countries where the project takes place directly.
We recently started a pilot. At the initiative of the partners, two Haella families have been formed: one in Northern and one in Central Uganda. These families have jointly determined what they want to focus on and which partners they want to find. The families consist of Haella partners and local experts.
This implies that:
– The partners in the families jointly propose what the priorities are. The decision was made to: prevent violence against women/teenage pregnancies/school dropouts.
– The partners themselves nominate new partners and advise them on other applications from Uganda
– A capacity strengthening process is initiated per family, determined by the partners in consultation with the experts, financed by Haella.
The emphasis is on community-based organizations and local ownership.
You will submit your digital application via this website. This can be done throughout the year. We will ask you to upload several documents. It is wise to have them ready before you start the application procedure.
Project plan
A project description. What are your aims? What are the activities you will develop? How do you plan to do this? With whom and when? Which people and/or organisations will you be cooperating with?
How much financial support will you need? Make a detailed overview of the costs (in Euros).
Financial plan
How do you plan to cover the costs? The Haëlla Foundation will only support part of the necessary amount. We’ll need an overview of the foundations, organizations and sponsors you’ve already asked for funding, and the results so far.
If you’re applying on behalf of a foundation or organization, please upload the official regulations and the latest (financial) annual report.
Your username is the same as your email address, so always use the same email address that you used for your application. You’ll receive your password at this address and you can always request a new password via this login page. After logging in, go to the ‘evaluation’ tab and answer the questions. In the ‘photos’ tab you can upload 3 project photos in the highest possible resolution. You can also add the required short financial statement there. If your application has been approved and the project has been completed, we’d like you to complete an evaluation. You can fill this in by logging into your project page. That is the same page where the request was made.
Our work is based on these themes
Faith and Society
Would you like to give form to the practical and social aspects of your faith, to shape society more in line with the diaconal underpinnings of your belief? Is it your ideal to bind faiths and cultures together and to enhance mutual respect? Do you want to renew your faith or tradition or to broaden its vision? Are you engaged in a dialogue about aspects of faith and society? Are you working to promote peace or in the area of climate change? Haëlla can help if your project is respectful towards others who might live, think and believe differently.
Peace and Human Rights
Do you want to promote peace and better understanding between people? Do you want to stand up for human rights, address violations of these rights and increase freedom, equality and justice? Do you want to empower vulnerable and silenced people and make their voices heard? Do you want to increase awareness of human rights and how they can be observed? Do you want to work to prevent conflict? Haëlla can help you if your project is peaceful, with an open attitude and respect for others.
Living together in the Netherlands
Is a just society your ideal? Do you want to do Do you want to promote a just society in the Netherlands? Do you want to bring people together from different backgrounds and facilitate dialogue between cultures? Do you want to support people who are having a hard time? People who find themselves disconnected from society? Do you want to work with and for women who are victims of domestic violence, refugees and asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, the homeless, addicts and ex-addicts, prisoners and former prisoners, people experiencing poverty or belonging to a minority? We have an extra budget available for children and young people who grow up in poverty thanks to the support of the funds we work with. Haëlla can help if your project is aimed at a group of vulnerable people; not on improving one person’s life.
Environment and Sustainability
Do you want to save the Earth for future generations? Do you have a concrete plan for working towards a cleaner environment and against climate change? Do you want to motivate people, institutions or governments to change their behaviour or policy? Haëlla can help you if you have supporters to achieve your sustainable ideal.
Women’s Rights
Women’s Rights has been a focus for the Haella Foundation since its formation in 1967. More than 100 years of fighting for women’s rights has made a difference, but not nearly as much as hoped. In some countries, the progress achieved ie even in jeopardy. A third of women in The Netherlands and worldwide, experience or have experienced violence. Many countries have discriminatory laws and practices that oppress women. In 2019, it was decided that the theme of Women’s Rights would be a focus alongside the theme of Undocumented Persons, and to make extra budget available for these projects. All over the world, there are women who, working together with men or working alone, are committed to women’s rights in combination with human rights, sustainability and peace. They often have much less easy access to money, in their fight against discrimination and violence against women. In 2021, our Women’s Rights Competition was created as part of this spearhead. Organizations working for women’s rights can submit a one-year or multi-year project proposal, and our contribution may be higher than we can normally provide. Progress on these projects is discussed at each board meeting and decisions are made regarding the best possible engagement from the Haëlla Foundation.
Undocumented Persons
In 2013, under the title ‘Traveling without papers’, the foundation focused on providing additional support to organizations that work with or for people without residence papers. In addition, this spearhead is also intended as a fund to gain more insight into the problems and needs of this vulnerable group of people in our country. The Haëlla Asset Management Foundation has made an additional amount available each year for this purpose. Organizations can submit a one-year or multi-year project proposal and our contribution may be higher than we normally provide.Progress on these projects is discussed at each board meeting and decisions are made regarding the best possible engagement from the Haëlla Foundation.
Here you can find a list of subjects we do not support. We would also like to remind you that our aid is not meant for foundations and organizations with a large number of paid staff.
- building activities and the purchase of land
- sports and recreation
- individual support
- city-and school exchange programs
- vacations/holiday camps
- student conferences
- scholarships and internships within the Netherlands and abroad
- scientific research and PHD research
- book and magazine publications
- cultural exchange programs
- renovation of)churches
- emergency aid
- medical projects and care for the disabled in the Netherlands. In overseas territories only as an exception.
- playgrounds
- orphanages
- projects concerning the protection of animal species
- housing cooperatives
- large scale welfare organizations
- anniversary celebrations
Please note: additional exclusions abroad:
– Projects focused on buildings and the equipment of buildings
– Projects focused on infrastructure and associated facilities, for example water pumps, educational supplies and housing
– Projects that only focus on vocational training and that have no follow-up plan to actually help people find work.
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